Should education have limitation? Education plays an important role in our all lives. Knowledge can change the way we think, and the way we act. Sometimes, it might change one’s life. I think education should not have limitation. No matter who you are or where you are, we should have chances of education. MOOCs as a way to offer many chances for everyone who want to learn. MOOCs means Massive Open Online Course. It is a course for people to attend without limitation by online learning. In this paper, the sate of MOOCs will be introduced. The reason why people choose MOOCs to learn and how it works will be also presented.
MOOCs is convenient and professional online learning way. MOOCs is popular because it contributes for everyone. It offers a platform that people can learn without limitation. Convenient is one of the reasons that attract people to learn by MOOCs. People can learn by MOOCs without area limitation. People who have the Internet can attend the course. No matter you are in Canada, Australia or China, you can take the course and learn something from it. Also, people can learn from MOOCs without career limitation. Education is no more just for students. People who play different roles in society can also enjoy education, such as housewife, banker or waiter.
The way that MOOCs works is also the reason why people learn by it. Expert for traditional course material, reading, video and problem set also assist to learn a course in MOOCs. At the very beginning, the form of e-learning is through TV and radio. There are very few students can finish the course. However, with the development of technology, there is a big revolution of distant education. It changes the way of e-learning a lot. Nowadays, there are many different ways to assist people to learn online course. In addition, even though MOOCs is a distant education, it can also have a good interaction between learners and teachers. MOOCs provides interactive course for teachers, learners, and assistance. Thus, people can have a good discussion on their course in this platform. In traditional education, the teachers are the center of the course rather than students. It means what instructors teach is what students learn. However, in MOOCs, the learns are the center of the course rather than instructors. It means learners can discuss and solve problems with other learners. It is kind of an experience of social interaction.
MOOCs will keep developing in the future. More and more revolution on education will happen. In the future, we will see how the types of education change.